Conference on Italian European NPLs


The conference

IMN’s 3rd Annual Investors’ Conference on Italian & European NPLs will return to Milan, Italy on 15 November 2018 to address the latest updates in the non-performing loan market. The conference will bring together leading representatives from major banks, private funds, law firms, rating agencies, service providers and more to discuss the industry’s pressing topics, including:

  • Overview of Italy’s Banking Sector: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
  • Overview of Key Government Efforts to Stabilise the Italian Banking Sector (insolvency and debt recovery proceedings, bank consolidation efforts)
  • Investing in NPLs: Risk and Pricing Considerations for Investors
  • Funding the Program: The Role of Securitisation in Fueling NPL Purchasing Power
  • NPL Sellers’ Roundtable: Assessing the Impact of the Government Led Initiatives to Date
  • Application to Other Mediterranean Economies: Implications for Spain, Portugal and Beyond
Who should attend
  • Italian banks looking to re-capitalise
  • Private funds looking to invest in NPLs
  • Legal counsel
  • Rating agencies
  • Servicers
  • Banks facilitating NPL transactions