Conference on Italian European NPLs


Centotrenta Exhibitor Sponsor di Conference on Italian European NPLs

Italy’s current stock of bad loans now totals a staggering 360 billion Euro outstanding, with the potential of an additional 40 billion Euro if loans continue to be devalued. The government, along with the private financial sector, have teamed up to deliver a number of creative solutions to help reform and stabilise Italy’s banking sector. One such solution is the sale and subsequent securitization of portfolios of non-performing loans, aimed at helping to re-capitalise banks and reduce the country’s huge stock of bad loans. However, questions still remain as to how the fund set up to buy these non-performing loans will be financed.

  • Is a private bond market issue in the works?
  • Will the country’s largest financial institutions be tasked with providing the capital?
  • Can this scheme be applied to other European countries whose banks face similar challenges? If so, which countries are most likely to launch their own programs and when, and would a Pan-European ‘bad bank’ programme be appropriate?
  • Should the ECB intervene and help bail out Italy in order to stave off a broader European Banking Crisis?

This one day conference set in Milan, Italy’s center of finance, will address these questions as well as the following topics:

  • Overview of Italy’s Banking Sector: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
  • Overview of Key Government Efforts to Stabilise the Italian Banking Sector (insolvency and debt recovery proceedings, bank consolidation efforts)
  • Investing in NPLs: Risk and Pricing Considerations for Investors
  • Funding the Program: The Role of Securitisation in Fueling NPL Purchasing Power
  • NPL Sellers’ Roundtable: Assessing the Impact of the Government Led Initiatives to Date
  • Application to Other Mediterranean Economies: Implications for Spain, Portugal and Beyond