Centotrenta Servicing is equipped with a Claims Office to address the claims made by his customers.
Definition of Claim
A claim is a written dispute, as for example a letter, e-mail, fax, as regards to a behavior or omission, addressed to the company by the owner of the claim or by a delegate, relating to the actions of Centotrenta, as part of its institutional activity or for each of his special purpose vehicle for which it acts as a servicer within the meaning of Legge 130/1999, and with which the Complainant waits an answer and/or the adoption of eventual decisive interventions.
Submission of the Claim to the Company
The Complainant will have a first contact with his usual representative, to reach a possible solution in a simplified way. If a simplified solution is not reached, the written Claim can be presented.
Written claims must be sent to Centotrenta Servicing S.p.a., in one of this ways:
1) Ordinary letter or Registered letter sent to this address: Via San Prospero, 4 – 20121 Milano
2) Certified electronic mail to this address:;
3) Email to:;
4) Fax to this number: 02/72022410.
The Claim must contain:
- the necessary informations to the identification of the Complainant. A claim submitted in anonymous form, namely if the complainant is not clearly identifiable, will not be managed;
- In the case that the Complainant will be assisted by a lawyer, besides the identification documents mentioned above, the lawyer has to provide a copy of the power of attorney, bearing the generalities of the Complainant and in which can be clearly inferred the conferred professional mandate;
- A clear description of the subject of the claim with its related motivations.
Claim Handling
At the reception of a written Claim, the Claims Office provides to inform the Complainant of the take in charge of the claims, describing the means and time of the handling (cd. Holding Letter). The notification is made through registered letter A/R or certified electronic mail.
The Claims office, after the evaluation on the base of the possessed documentation and of every evidence collected during the preliminary stage, in compliance with the changes made to “Disposizioni in materia di trasparenza delle operazioni e dei servizi bancari e finanziari –correttezza delle relazioni tra intermediari e clienti” apportate con il Provvedimento della Banca d’Italia del 19 marzo 2019, a partire dal 01 Ottobre 2020, will send a reply in written form within 60 days from the receiving of the Claim.
The reply will expressly indicate:
- if the Claim is found to be warranted, all the steps intended to take on and the time within they can be taken
- if the Claim is found to be unwarranted or not admissible, a clear and thorough illustration of the reasons behind the decision.
Alternative dispute resolution system and dispute resolution
In the case that the answer of Centotrenta Servicing S.p.a is considered unsatisfactory by the Complainant, its possible to appeal to, in alternative to ordinary justice, the Arbitro Bancario Finanziario (ABF) provided that:
- the object of the appeal matches that of the Claim;
- The amount of money demanded is no more than 100.000 euros;
- A request is made to verify rights and obligations (in this case with no amount limit).
Damage refund requests that are not direct and immediate consequence of the non-compliance or violation of the intermediary are excluded from the cognition of the decision-makers; in the same way will be excluded requests made in relation to material goods or different services from financial and banking object of the contract between the costumer and the intermediary, namely the contracts connected to it.
In addition, appeals inherent to disputes already subjected to the judicial authority, submitted to arbitration award namely for which in pending an attempt at conciliation, may not be submitted.
For more information on Arbitro Bancario e Finanziario and how to submit a Claim please refer to ABF Guide available on our site and at
Personal data communicated by the Complainant will be processed exclusively for the management of the Claim and will be conserved for the time strictly necessary for the goal for which they were collected and in the respect of the principles of lawfulness and rightfulness established by Regolamento (UE) 2016/679.
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